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Rabies has no cure, but it can be prevented.

From the case where Khon Kaen Livestock has announced a temporary epidemic zone. After finding beef cattle and dogs in the area infected with rabies, revealing the initial symptoms. And methods of prevention and initial wound cleaning if bitten by animals or dogs. Get vaccinated

What are the real factors that cause cancer?

There are many studies that try to find the risk factors that cause cancer. However, we still can’t identify the exact reason why some people get cancer and some don’t. But the data from the study found that there are some factors that are related

Techniques for using birth control pills

Birth control pills are one of the most popular methods of preventing pregnancy, but there are still many questions people have about their use, effectiveness, and side effects. Birth control pills are an important medical innovation that help women around the world plan their lives

De Bruyne is upset after Belgium lost.

Belgium playmaker Kevin De Bruyne has left disappoint after his team’s 2-0 Nations League defeat to France on Tuesday, calling it one of his worst performances, while also criticising head coach Dominic Tedesco’s tactics, which were too cowardly, allowing him to play with 6-7 players