Barley is an ancient grain that is popular and full of health benefits. It can help reduce cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels, improve the digestive system. Help with weight loss, and reduce the risk of cancer.
Barley is rich in nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Such as dietary fiber, protein, carbohydrates, beta-glucan, pentosan, cellulose, essential amino acids, vitamin B, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium, chromium, tocotrienol bioactive substances, lignans, phytoestrogens, phenols, phytic acid, etc. In addition, barley is also a source of maltose, a natural sweetener. Therefore, barley is consumed in various forms, such as cereals, barley flour, barley water, or barley beer, etc.
Apart from being a familiar food, how much of the claims. About the health and medical properties of barley are true? Some studies have proven various aspects of barley, as follows:
Lowers Fat and Cholesterol Barley is rich in various dietary fibers. Including beta-glucan, which is thought to help control the rate at which carbohydrates and fats are digested and absorbed. This makes eating barley potentially helpful in lowering cholesterol levels in the body.
Reduce blood sugar levels Eating foods high in dietary fiber, such as barley, especially soluble dietary fiber, will help increase the viscosity of substances in the stomach and small intestine, which may reduce the rate at which nutrients are absorbed and help control blood sugar levels. There are several studies that have tested the ability of barley to control blood sugar levels in humans. โปรโมชั่น ufabet They found that eating foods containing barley, which contain at least 4 grams of beta-glucan, significantly reduces blood sugar levels after meals. In addition, some studies have shown that eating breakfast that contains barley also results in lower blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.